Auto Services, Inc.
3161 E. State Road 60
Valrico, FL 33594

New Aftermarket Auto Parts such as radiators, condensers, headlamps, tail lamps, door handles, window motors, mirrors, flywheel, and much more. Compare our prices to NAPA, Advance Auto Parts, O’Reilly Auto Parts, and AutoZone for parts quality and price.
Featuring Vehicles from GM, Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac, Ford, Mercury, Tahoe, Expedition, Toyota, Honda, Explorer, Mazda, Dodge, Ram, Silverado, F-150, Chrysler, Taurus, Altima, and much more.
Additionally, Brandon Auto Salvage is an authorized Barely Used Auto Parts Dealer. They maintain a large inventory of late model used parts for both foreign and domestic cars SUV's, and light trucks. Parts such as motors, transmissions, transfer cases, rear-end assemblies, doors, computers, bumpers, starters, alternators, radios, and much more.
Please call (813) 689-8131, email to , or come into the store for more information.
To view used parts, click Brandon Auto Salvage .

Brandon Auto Services, Inc.
3161 E. State Road 60
Valrico, FL 33594
Brandon Auto Repair, Valrico Auto Repair, Brandon Transmission Repair, Brandon Engine Repair, Brandon Auto Services, Brandon Auto Service, Valrico Auto Services, Automotive, Auto, Service, Repair, Car, Brake, Tune-up, A/C Repair, Domestic, Foreign, Brandon, Valrico, Tires, Tire Dealer, Flush, Mechanic, Auto repair, body repair, collision repair, body work, body shop, body shops, Brandon body shops, Valrico body shops
(813) 651-2288